Let's call this guy
Mr. CeeVee Nitpicker. At first it was hard to DICIFER why this colleague checks the stats all time. He checks the stats not everyday but every time he has the opportunity. These are stats that are being sent to the whole account. I thought he was simply a complaining nitpicker whose happiness lies in knowing the inadequacies of his co workers until I had a chat with him in between calls. I asked him why he hasn't applied as an SME or a TL. he said the doesn't deserve the position and that there are more deserving people, but he said with a straight face
"I'd rather become an OM" [Operations Manager]. I was surprised at what he said, he is either crazy or simply joking about what he said because even before he is considered for an OM interview he would need to have the experience to handle an account. If he really wanted to become an OM he should at least become a QA, SME, or TL first before he even considers becoming an Operations Manager. Only time will tell if he becomes an OM. I will update you about this person if he ever makes it.
sira ulo yan...
what is his work experience?
He is an agent...
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