If you haven't experienced this yet, well good for you. But if you've been ignored by your colleagues that's too bad. That means you did something wrong in their eyes: , or you have unknowingly crossed the line.
What people usually do in this situation is think and trace back in their minds if they did something wrong.
But what good will rethinking past events do if your co-workers hate you or is ignoring you? You really can't do anything about it. Simply go on with your life in the center and don't f*cking mind them.
If they f*cking ignore you, ignore them back but don't blurt out nasty comments, just keep quiet.
Don't fight back.
If you need to talk to a friend about the situation, do so in order to keep your sanity.
Don't be paranoid if people are ignoring you. Simply stop talking to them. They don't f*cking own the call center.
Remember that there are other people in the call center you could befriend. Simply forget about those f*ckers.